Free Animal Health Camp & Fecal Test

Nepal is one of the developing countries and the livelihood of most of the people is based upon agriculture and livestock farming. Farmer’s economy is still below the marginal level. The problem of hand to mouth is still in severe condition. In such condition where farmers have to think twice to spend in their medical cost, the chance of expensing in animal health is far below the thought.

So with the primary objective of imparting practical skills to students and secondary to serve the remote community through the teaching-learning procedure, Rotaract Club of Narayangarh and Rotary Club of Narayangarh has organized the one day “Free Animal Health Camp & Fecal Test” 3rd April, 2017 at Bijaynagar Chitwan The camp has technically supported by Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Agriculture and Forestry University and Bijay Dugdha Utpadan Sahakari Sansthaa and supported by Nepal Veterinary Student Association. The Camp has chaired by Rotary Club of Narayangarh president Rotarian Sanjaya Shrestha and coordinator was Rotaractor Asmita Subedi.

Apart from helping the farmers, the objective of the camp was to provide exposure to the Veterinary students to the practical field. Final year (8th semester) 60 students of B.V.Sc and A.H worked in the scorching sun with full enthusiasm. Students were exposed to different clinical cases and they got idea to apply the theoretical knowledge practically and also learned the technique to deal with farmers. The camp provided community service in one hand and in another hand, helped Veterinary students to develop their professional career. Among them, 9 were the Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of Narayangarh including President Rtr. Isha Pradhan. Community also grabbed the opportunity to learn theoretical knowledge practically from the renowned Veterinary. Dr. Hom Bahadur Basnet, Dr. Shyam Kishor Shah, Dr. Rayban Bhattarai, Dr. Bhuminand Devkota, Dr. Shyam Bahadur Raut, Dr. Ram Prasad Paudel and Dr. Gokarna Gautam, Rampur, helped in animal  health check up and side by side taught the students to handle the cases.

73 cases of animal including cattle, buffaloes, goats and chickens were brought for check up and Fecal Examination of 120 samples was done. The medicine was distributed for free which were sponsored by Dr. Hom Bahadur Basnet, Dr. Rayban Bhattarai and Dr. Ram Prasad Paudel.

The camp became very fruitful to both Veterinary students and farmers. After the end of the camp, students visited different dairy farms around Bijaynagar and gave suggestions to the farmers about improving the production from the dairy farm and gave special advice regarding management of farm and nutritional diet to the animal to enhance the production.