DRR Visit and Second Club Assembly

Christmas Eve 2015, made the Rotaractors make an event to join together, which comprised of DRR visit and the Second Club Assembly.

District Rotaract Representative Rtr. Samir Nepal, District Secretary Rtr. Hari Chandra Satyal and District Rotaract Representative Elect Rtr. Sushil Karkiwere the presentees from RI District 3292 Nepal - Bhutan where Zonal Rotaract Representative Rtr. Mandip Man Shrestha and Zonal Secretariat Rtr. Ni Van also had a remarkable step in.

The DRR visit has been accomplished with full excitement and happy to be one of the leading clubs in Zone II.

Second club Assembly started the same day at 5:00 pm with Rotarians from Rotary Club of Narayangarh Rtn. Niranjan Pradhan, Rtn. Rajendra Oli and others and Rotaractors as well as guests out of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh.

4 new members viz. Stüãrt LîttlëDipak AleRubina Shrestha & Nabin Neupane were pinned up as new members. Last but not the least, thanks Isha Pradhan for the event.