Anti Rabies Vaccination & Free Neutering Campaign

Rotaract Club of Narayangarh, Rotary Club of Narayangarh, Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust (HART) and IVSA Nepal jointly organized Anti-Rabies Vaccination Camp on September 28 of 2015 on the occasion of World Rabies Day. It was conducted at Bijayangar village of Chitwan district of Nepal. In the camp, a total of 250 stray and community dogs were vaccinated against Rabies. A dog census was also carried out to determine the population of dogs in the locality. The program was coordinated by President of Rotaract Club of Narayangarh Rtr. Dr. Sanjiv Pandit. Rabies is a fatal disease of both human and animals. Human beings acquire the disease by means of bite of rabid dog rather than any other animals. So, it is equally necessary to reduce the population of dogs along with mass vaccination. Keeping this in view, a neuter camp was also conducted at the place. A total of 15 male and 42 female dogs were neutered through surgeries successfully on December 20 - 21, 2015. Rotaract Club of Narayangarh is keenly interested to launch its similar projects in the localities in future as well to make them Rabies Free Zone. There is a great fear in people due to incidence of dog bites and Rabies. The club has been doing its best to address the neglected tropical disease since the past.